Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pride and ... Politics? (e.2; part 1 of 2)

0 Commentaries/Bashings
as far as I am aware, it probably just does not occur to the average of You to be so purely-Straight that you conscientiously opt for acquiring only the least risky of Adult-oriented Media; surely, you are aware of the presence of such Media, though?


but if That were to be the case, then, why don't more of you mini-fruits just acquire Them, instead? just whom is it, amongst you Breeders, that make these male porn-stars so fuckin' ... "star-like," anyway? (i really just cannot imagine an average Heterosexual [American] Woman concerning herself with such lascivious, prurient things).

...what makes a Porn Dude legendary?

  • how many Nutts he can bust on a Bitch?

  • the number of PEARL NECKLACES he can bestow upon multiple chicks?

  • ´just HOW FAR he can blow his wad, and the volumniousness of This Ejaculæ, thence?(♫-1)

  • how many Eyes he can burn, for the night, with the Baby Batter this fucker firehosed around without regard for anyone or any-other-thing but his own fucking pleasure??

That's pretty gay, worrying about the carnal exploits of another [nigger](♫-2), y'know.


no one person can be only exclusively attracted to its opposite sex. that much is apparent, to me. even if you were to try to eliminate all traces of [Gay],──environmental and personified,──from the human population, and succeeded: some time down The Line, more of those people [who, in this hateful-assèd Society, bear the unfortunate-disposition of wanting to experience That Love Which Dares Not Speak Its Name,] will eventually emerge, once more; two things would have to come of That Development, though:

  1. from the moment you begin to re-kill all of them, you surely will have guaranteed the creation of your own cozy spot in Hell; and the suffering you'd undergo, there, will be a lot worse than anything that which can be inflicted upon that civil-minded dude who just wanted to lick the scrotum of some other dude, and had been acting only as such, while still living;

  2. when you begin to embark upon further research on these new gays' Genes to determine if These were the cause of their .. coming out as They had, you shall have already admitted that, no, [the desiring for the flesh of {The Similar}] is almost never a choice.



and don't even get me started on the Bible Thumpers, who use these fanciful-Religious Texts to justify our continued persecution.

this Bible of yours says a lot of things ... but i don't exactly see you fuckers being especially consistent in following those precepts, either.

frankly, this Bible,──as utilized by most variations of the Christian Faith,──and Kōran,──as utilized by most variations of Islam,──seems to ask you fuckers to do & believe some pretty silly things; but ... it goes back to something I realized, about 7-years ago: the fact that most of you ..... well. i'll be nice, here:

it goes back to that thing i realized, some years ago:

that most of you need some[thing {mystical ⌠and OTHERWORLDLY⌡}] to guide your actions.
for, verily, without such an influence, you surely will be lost.


next to what, basically, amounts to the continued pursuit [and conquering] of Pussy, religion(♫-3) has also been quite the successful-Historical Instigator of Strife.

i have also heard that it's probably not so much the thoughts of the actual Acts of [Male-on-Male] Coupling which be the thing that, for any given [heterosexual-identified {male}], gives rise to the feelings of Repulsion so much as it might be the deeply instinctual-impulse of being fearful for seeming, to other indiwiduals, like a Weakling, Deviant, or a SYMPATHIZER: in that, being the Receiver/Insertee is the task which is to be handled by the "weaker"(♫-4) of the two [standard] sexes ─ Females.

it's very understandable, actually.

this neanderthalian-mentality.

especially These Days, when said-weaker individuals will, indeed, be surruptitiously-squashed, with little-to-no after↕thought; additionally.. ..well, Ignorance continues to breed Fear & Hate, and ... muther↕fuckers, to be blunt, are quite Cruel ─ just on a psychological-level, alone, can one of these 1995-born Demon Spawn easily, thoughtlessly-yet-premeditatedly, CRUSH another, otherwise-decent person. for just the slightest of [perceived] infractions.(♫-5)

_\↕/_ _\↕/_

i've long ago already spared more words on This than y'all A.D.D.-muther↕fuckers will be willing to sift through; yet, there is just so much more i can come up with, to gripe about. but, at the moment, i just don't feel like doing it. so i won't.

the quintessent moral of My Yarn is, just be nice to The Gays, because you will never be able to get rid of them using a methodology that Your Lord will sanction.

but if you really do want to find out, in Hades, for yourselves the consequences of those actions i am trying to steer ya from taking, then, go ahead..
..just remember, during your Journey, that all "fags" you try to poach won't, so easily, go down: the quiet-seeming Book Nerd might be the one who finna take a few of you gay-bashers Six Feet Under with her.
and i feel pretty confident that a just god would go on ahead and give Her the pass to eternal happiness, in spite of her man↕slaughter, while You who took that poor lass down for something as fucking stupid as ..... whose crotch she elected to bury her face in will, indeed, be given the pass to rot away in the sulphurous depths, forever↕more.


(♫-1) (3-hit unintentional-STUFF OF LEGENDS-rhyming combo: +7,801 Kudos bonus points; +57 Style Points.)

(♫-2) (feel free to, yet again, substitute that slur with "Cracker", if you so desire it ─ it doesn't really matter to me, since i wasn't referring specifically to black men, and almost always don't, when i use "nigger", anyway.)

(♫-3) (or, rather, man's continued misinterpretation and misapplication of It)

(♫-4) (or "less [obviously-]dominant")

(♫-5) (remember what i've said about the effects of Lead Poisoning! amongst all the other various, mind_altering-toxins that [select] children have been administered, over the decades ..... centuries...)

Pride and ... Politics? (e.2; part 1 of 2)

0 Commentaries/Bashings
an over-night change to all this Foolishness just ain't happening: it is rather obvious that shit is gonna be getting worse before it gets better.

it legitimately pains me,──especially as A Pisces,──to have to acquiesce like That, but, our idealism can only be taken so far before we finally have to just knuckle-up and be realistic; i actually am far from Religious(♫-1) yet, i keep finding myself asking for G.O.D..

the god who, of course, will pro'ly show himself just when the BREAKING POINT has been reached by the last person around [who'd qualify for {an After↕Life of Peace}] who had managed to hold on to Sanity.

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actually, i'm writing this little entry up because i want to throw in my acknowledgement that, yeah, this whole issue with [Alternative{, non_Male/Female-based} Sexualities(♫-2)] obviously is nothing but a seemingly very-effective Smoke↕Screen for distracting the average person from tackling the issues that really matter.

Famines; [Plagues]; [Homo]sexuality; Natural Disasters, and, yeah, Wars.

i hate the fact that This has to be included amongst those five, but, yeah, These are the ostensive, ever-present devices put in place to try to curtail the Human Population from burgeoning out of control: i can imagine that there are quite a few Bitches around who'd love to lap up some of my sperm, or/and, get bred by me, for example; and i know there are many more traditionally_heterosexual-seeming Men and Womyn out there, too, who don't want nothin' to do with The Opposite Sex, and never will have Sexual Relations with it, either.

´fuckin' Heterosexual Idiots: do you know just how much more competition you would have to deal with if all these fuckers you seem to insist on bashing were converted into fuckers who suddenly ... felt THE NEED TO BREED?

have you seen how good-looking a sizable-number of us [non_exclusive-Heterosexuals] are??


y'all niggiz wouldn't even see It comin'.

even with those 4-other controls set firmly in place, if every person of normal_physiologic-function were, from The Beginning of Time, genetically-focused solely on Procreating, one of at least two things will have happened by now:

  1. our current population would, somehow, be closer to a minimum of 8-billion;

  2. the destruction of This Planet may have already commenced, due to all the Natural and Artificial Resources having long been consumed.
_\↕/_ _\↕/_

furthermore, one of the few things i would be willing to bet money on, is the fact that, even if You were to somehow-otherwise totally, and completely [segregate out] all people who [just don't have an interest in procreating and pursuing those individuals of the Contrary Sex who choose to, at least almost exclusively, espouse(♫-3) those base-{æsthetic ⌠and behavioral⌡ traits} universally-recognized to be associated with that Sex], and, furtherly, remove all possible "[Gay] Influences", y'all would still eventually find some fruit among you.

and what would you say, then?

no one's told that girl anything about pussy-eating..
..nor has she even ever had any thoughts about undertaking such an activity.
..but, what does she find herself wanting to do, now, after she's watched that heterosexual porn?(♫-4)


how crazy of an idea is That, anyway?
the limiting of further productions of porn to just solo-performances, and disallowing all possible references to Opposite Sex within these, just so future generations won't be able to risk "getting any `Ideas´"?

but, That is what eventually will have to be done ... in a totalitarian-world like That, to preserve such an ... "ideal".

_\↕/_ _\↕/_

for, obviously, deviations from Heterosexuality are, mostly, genetical.

(even within the non-human clans, there are Faggies; tell me: upon whom will you Homo↕Phones blame this phenomenon? Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? {them ⌠animal⌡ niggers don't get that show out in the middle of the Fuckin' Congan Jungle!})

and, it's been said that few, if any, can be completely Heterosexual or Homosexual, anyway.
or, it's been said that few, if any, can be exclusively attracted to, uh.. ..their [Gender] Opposite, anyway.(♫-5)

if you'd like to case-in-point me: if you're a self-identified Heterosexual [Male], just think back to the first reäction you had when i told you the only type of porn you would be truly-entitled to enjoying(♫-6).

as a matter-of-fact, i probably don't even have to go that far: for those of you who have The Porno On Video, think about how many of them involve:

  • man-on-woman;
    • man & man-on-woman (with no sort or form of contact between the two bloakes [{captured} on camera]);

  • woman & woman-on-man;
  • woman-and-woman using toys only;
    • woman-on-woman, toys optional;
  • woman;
    • woman with Toys
    • woman without Toys

easily, i could, with little error, extrapolate the results i'd get from That Poll to the rest of you who would have porn, if not for fear of something that Gays, themselves, are quite familiar with:


(♫-1) ;-).

(♫-2) (or, worded more plainly, Homo- and Bi-sexuality.)

(♫-3) (sosumi for the fuckin'-split-infinitive.)

(♫-4) (This, as being the other reason why, if i were a true-Heterosexual, {and especially one who is against anything that deviates from It}, i'd be interested only in watching solo-female mastubatory action ... i'd even go so far as to disallow her the use of any object that even remotely-resembles an anatomically-correct penis.
This, as being the basis for the next issue I'm going to broach in a bit, after you reverse-link back to the regular text.)

(♫-5) (this is one of the reasons i'm having a bit of difficulty with writing this entry: Gender & Sexuality is far from easy to explain, especially in layman's terms, without my being compelled to spend many words on It.)

(♫-6) (remember, your God doesn't like Hypocrites, so ... you can't be the dude who tries to get around my restriction by saying well, how about two chickies [goin' at It] instead of just the one? but be that same guy who says if i even ever fuckin' think about two dudes Doin' It together i will beat someone's fuckin' ass!: dykin' It and fudgepackin' It are no worse than the other ... you selfish muther↕fuckin' slimy-rain↕coat_wearin' bitch.)