nathan lane looks handsome in a goatee, doesn't he?
i'm thinking specifically of his guest appearance in Sex and The City
white people complain about "poor people" welfare yet they gladly accept Corporate Welfare - government subsidies and tax breaks given to corporations that don't really need such discounts (including The Oil Companies)
cats annoy me/instinctual-perpetual sniffing "territory" as if they will discover something profound
ironically having to fix-up canned-cat food section early this week in order to be able to stock that section decently
reset crew not using common sense when working the pet-food area - always setting only one face for items that will be directly under shelf-hang
cute little former marine guy/truck driver for store: apparently was able to accurately discern age, wednesday morning, merely by looking at him for a few moments; person was amazed, looking as if i had somehow did something illegal to garner such information; was then asked what else i could see, merely by looking
am envious of guys with smooth legs - trimming pubic hair a pain
returned back to room yesterday (thursday); current local weather conditions seem to merit conversion - was compelled to wear [fatigue sweat|pants] so as to not catch a chill
phallocentricity to the point where people assume otherwise benign objects and designs are molded after a penis when, merely, it is just a matter of coincidence that the penis looks as it does: it being a good design for liquids delivery
last time you heard someone call his penis "thing"?
seemed like the more open i became to sexually interacting with others the more discriminated against i became
(no obama was not invoking a slur against palin with his lipstick comment; and even if he did, how can McCain et al feel they have any room to talk?)
ego: i would not give my life to rescue people who *know* they should not have been hanging around town in spite of hurricane ike - they should have known better
celebrating the drop in price of Oil/Gas too soon, were we?
there needs to be penalties imposed upon the surviving citizens who *willfully* disregarded Evacuation Orders
she spies!
i miss that show
i have been compelled to invoke the term "asshole" at least 56-times a day, these past several years; people {also attempt to} insult my intelligence also at least as many times
flaky-layered buttermilk biscuits; dill_pickle-flavoured chips
to give Thoughts and Prayers/meaningless *and* empty sentimentality
deathly afraid of me losing my Spelling Abilities; other people's lexiconical inadequacies being a bad influence
Mental Illness vs. Mental Deficiency
actually, white people don't really like other white people either; who can they tolerate?