Sunday, November 11, 2007

Philip Anthony-Rodriguez


Philip Anthony-Rodriguez

Philip Anthony-Rodriguez

i just wanted to get These up to you, when i could.

i won't mention the trouble that i had to go through in finding/snagging These..
..but you, yourselves, can search for them directly hence at if you're interested in knowing the source through which i got these.

at any rate, i saw this fucker JUST BY CHANCE on CBS's Shark, In Absentia-episode, a week ago; i don't otherwise look at Shark, but, i reck'n there must notta been nothin' else better on for me to look at, which is why i caught it.

the most curious thing about Philip, for me,──besides the fact he seems to keep on taking roles where the characters he portrays also have English-first names & Spanish-last names,──is that, sometimes, he looks like Kurt Angle.
as illustrated by the first picture i've exhibited.

kurt angle is a sexy fucker too.


so many crotches i need to bury my face in...

1 comment:

  1. You have some very nice eye candy scattered throughout your musings.....Raul approves.


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